FREE MASTERCLASS - How to start a successful hypnobirthing business - Tuesday 4th February 7:30pm UK time

A thriving, sold out, multi award winning hypnobirthing business

Uncategorized Oct 27, 2024

Award winning, sold out and highly recommended


Emma Thompson from Newcastle has achieved so much in her pregnancy business Blooming Births since qualifying as a Hypnobirthing teacher. We are so proud of what she has accomplished and how much support she is providing her local community of pregnant women. 


Emma tells us that she felt 'called' to become a Hypnobirthing teacher after experiencing a traumatic first birth but then going on to have an empowered second birth after completing a 'life changing' Hypnobirthing course. Emma talks about how grateful she was to find Hypnobirthing and this led her on to starting her own Hypnobirthing business.


"As soon as I gave birth to my second son, I knew I would become a Hypnobirthing teacher. It might sound a bit 'woo woo', but people often say that you're called to this line of work and I totally believe that! What started as a dream has now become a reality!"



A blooming business that is going from strength to strength 


Blooming births has since gone on to win two awards, Emma was voted 'Most Empowering Hypnobirthing provider 2024 North East England' by experts at Lux Life Magazine and we also presented Emma with an award at our 2024 Inspiration Day for the impact she's had. 


Not only is Emma achieving wonderful things within her business, she is also supporting so many women with her Hypnobirthing courses and pregnancy relaxation classes. Emma is passionate birth and her ethos is that hypnobirthing is for all births.


"I'm proud to empower women to have positive birth experiences no matter what, celebrating homebirths, hospital births and c-section births."


In fact, her pregnancy relaxation classes are often sold out and her free Hypnobirthing workshop has 32 women signed up. How incredible is that? 



Emma tells us what she thinks has helped her achieve such success in her hypnobirthing business. 


"Determination and showing up consistently" are the two things that Emma says has helped her to have the "business of her dreams." Alongside some hard work and inner belief.


Emma gives some tips to those who are just starting out with their own Hypnobirthing business, including:


- Staying present on social media

- Work on a high ranking website

- Connect with other local businesses

- Be confident and passionate in what you teach (thanks to LYB, Emma Says)


Blooming Births is proof that your 'dreams can become a reality'. Emma states that this has happened for her. 


Emma's success is testimony to the consistent effort she puts into her work, her beautiful and caring online presence and her commitment to making her Hypnobirthing courses as engaging as possible. 


You can follow Emma and her business by heading to her website here and following her on Instagram here


If you would like to train to become a Hypnobirthing teacher just like Emma...


Head to the website and make sure to attend one of my free events here. 


Abby xx


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