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Sceptic to Hypnobirthing teacher

hypnobirthing teacher Jun 11, 2024

I’m a “I need proof” kind of person.

I'd love to be a bit more woo but deep down I'm a bit of a sceptic.

Auras, human design, crystal healing, energetic vortexes etc. I'm not there yet.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've got my fair share of crystals. They are pretty, right?! But I'd love to hear more of the science behind them before I'm fully on board.

I can see my gorgeous woo friends and colleagues rolling their eyes when the read this. I blumming love that they are so into all this, I just need to hear a bit more logic first. (I'm not saying it doesn't exist though)


What has this got to do with Hypnobirthing?


Well, when I first heard of Hypnobirthing, I felt the same about it.

It sounded a bit woo to me. I couldn't quite get that listening to an older women on a CD (yes, it was a while ago) telling me a story with some mantas thrown in, with a background of plinky plonk music was going to make a difference to my birth. I certainly never thought that one day I'd be a voice on an audio too!



I needed the logic. I needed to know WHY it was going to help.

I got it though, because Hypnobirthing is grounded in science and logic, isn't it?

How did this influence how I taught Hypnobirthing to my clients?

Well, I led with the why. ALWAYS. I always started with the logic and science.

I knew that in most rooms I was in, there'd be sceptics, even if they didn't say so. I saw things through their lens. Without knowing the WHY behind what we were doing , would they do any of it at home?

Probably not. If we want clients to practice the techniques, it’s so important they feel so invested in the principles.


In practice this is about letting clients know that how they feel about childbirth impacts the process. How they can practically and powerfully influence their inner beliefs from the understanding of simple neuroscience. Sharing the science behind birth environments and the impact on hormones. Explaining the difference being relaxed has on the birthing body.


Now, this isn't to say you must be a sceptic to be a great Hypnobirthing teacher. What I am saying is that it is always useful to see things from your client’s perspective. What do they need to understand first? What might they be silently questioning?


You know what? This is why I think new Hypnobirtihng teachers are fantastic. New Hypnobirthing teachers often bring fresh perspectives and relatable experiences. They remember what it was like to be a beginner, to have doubts, and to seek evidence. This empathy helps them connect with clients who might also be starting from a place of scepticism. By framing their teaching around their own journey and the science behind the techniques, they can build trust and encourage commitment to the practice.


If you’ve ever pondered becoming a Hypnobirthing teacher, but perhaps questioned whether you could actually do it. Come along to my free training starting on the 18th of June. I’ll certainly be talking about the science behind it. Find out more here.


Abby x



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