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Hypnobirthing Teachers: I would NEVER advise you to do these things

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2024

 As a Hypnobirthing Teacher Trainer and a business strategist, here are the 3 things I would never advise you to do as a Hypnobirthing Teacher…


  1. Follow tonnes of other businesses like yours on social media


Ok, I know when we first start our training it can be so tempting to follow ever other Hypnobirthing business that pops up on our social media scroll for inspiration and ideas. I totally understand this, it was me too.


However, what can happen is that we follow so many businesses similar to us that when we go on social media it feels like we are just one of so many samey businesses. Mindset wise, this can have a negative impact. It can lead to comparisonitus, feelings of ‘why would anyone pick me?’ and feeling like it’s one big echo chamber. When the reality is for so the vast majority of pregnant women, their newsfeeds are NOT like yours and actually they most likely have very few voices talking about empowering birth.


What to do instead…


Carefully decide who to follow and who not to follow. It’s actually valuable to keep an eye on what others are doing in the industry, however, do this intentionally at a time you choose rather than the algorithm deciding to show you this when you sit on the sofa recovering from your 2 year old’s tantrum.


Choose to follow businesses in the industry that are slightly different to yours, that networking with or even collaborating with in the future would be beneficial. Perhaps look for pregnancy yoga teachers, maternity photographers, Doulas, Independent midwives, Pilates instructors, placenta encapsulators etc. Also, follow women who could be potential clients or simple think like potential clients e.g. pregnant influencers. Surrounding yourself with the people who need you is going to keep your ideal clients in mind and ensure you are speaking to them in your marketing rather than other Hypnobirthing teachers.


2. Rely solely on motivation to grow your Hypnobirthing business


We are lucky that we are so passionate about birth, we often feel hugely motivated to work on our businesses. That being said we wouldn’t be human if our motivation didn’t fluctuate. Our feelings of motivation are affected by many things, such as our emotional state, other people’s opinions, the nature of tasks we want to get done and even our hormones.


So, to rely solely on motivation is a highly likely to mean you work on your business inconsistently and have an all or nothing approach.


Instead, I recommend building habits. You never don’t bother brushing your teeth, right? That’s because it’s part of your daily routine. Make working on your business part of your weekly routine. Plan when you are going to do it, communicate that with others in your life and take it seriously.


3. Discounting prices to boost bookings


Going through a dry spell in your Hypnobirthing business can make tempting to offer a big discount on your course prices, thinking it will lead to bookings flooding in.


99% of the time low bookings are either due to not enough people hearing about what you offer OR lack of clarity around what your course does for people and why they need it. Slashing prices wont change that.


This is not to say discounts never should be used. What I am saying it that using at it in a desperate response to low bookings is not a good idea. Discounts are best used strategically. For example, having a time limited offer after Hypnobirthing taster to encourage decision making.



Come over to Instagram and DM me 1, 2 or 3 to let me know which of these you needed to hear the most


Abby x


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