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School teacher to Hypnobirthing Instructor

hypnobirthing teacher Jul 30, 2024

 How I made the transition


Autumn 2013, I sat googling what to write in a letter of resignation. I was on my 15 minute break, dreading the lesson ahead. It was year 9 and they were LOUD.


I kept it simple, “Please accept this letter as formal notification of my resignation from my role as teacher of religious studies…”


I’d like to tell you that I’d weighed up all the pros and cons of leaving the career I’d worked so hard for. The one with a great pension and the weeks of holidays that my non teacher friends were so envious of.


I hadn’t though. It was one of those decisions that was driven by my heart. My desire to be home with my baby boy was so strong. My hatred of the weeks leading up to this letter were pushing me to something different.


I didn’t know exactly how things would work out but I knew I couldn’t carry on as I was. It just wasn’t the life I wanted for myself and my family. Yet, the Abby of just a year previously would be so shocked by this move. That Abby thought she’d be teaching in schools until she retired.


Leaving my stable salary with baby number 2 on the way, meaning I’d get no maternity pay seemed bonkers to some. To me, it felt exciting and so freeing.


I’d already felt like I’d missed such precious time with my baby, I didn’t want to miss any more. Plus, the thought of being in the same position after my second baby was crushing me.


“Abby, what if you regret it?” My concerned colleague asked.


“Well, if I do, I’ll get another job. It won’t be that hard. I could even do supply teaching. And the thing is, the regret of missing out on my babies would always be much greater”.


I did it. I left.


And yes on that final day when I was handed a beautiful bouquet of flowers and colleagues said such wonderful things I did have a moment of wondering if I’d done the right thing.


I was an excellent secondary school teacher. I was at a good school. I was liked and respected.


That end of an era feeling was strong and I did shed a few tears.


I went home and snuggled my beautiful boy who was about to turn one in a couple of weeks and I knew I’d made the right choice.



Harris turned one and I hit the second trimester of my pregnancy. It was a wonderful few months. I felt like I was back on maternity leave. I was back at rhythm time and back doing my regular play dates, just on a tight budget this time.


I embraced Hypnobirthing for a second time. I loved the opportunity to focus on my pregnancy as this time it was different. It was easy to almost forget I was pregnant with already having a little one to keep me busy. Hypnobirthing allowed me time for me and unborn baby.


Summer 2014, I gave birth to Imogen. A beautiful home birth that was so incredible and beautiful.


So there I was, stay at home mum to two under two.


Once the newborn bubble slipped away, I had this feeling that I wasn’t expecting, yet I couldn’t shake it.


I was bored. I felt lacking stimulation. Frankly, I missed having money of my own too.


I’d left teaching and I had a clear focus- preparing for baby number 2. And in true Abby style I threw everything into it. But now what?


Yes, I loved spending time with my babies and being there for all the firsts. But there was this void.


That’s when I started thinking about teaching Hypnobirthing.


I’d had fleeting thoughts about it during pregnancy but I always came back to the feeling of “who was I to do it?” I had no relevant experience. All my knowledge of childbirth was from the Ina May book I read on repeat in pregnancy. I certainly couldn’t imagine my northern accent soothing someone with a background of plinky plonky music!


This time though I started researching. I searched high and low for how to train. Who can train? How long it takes? Etc



A few late night chats with my husband about the logistics of completing the training with no child care and then how I’d work with clients around our children.


That was it, I took the plunge after nervously hovering over the enrol button.


All new things are scary, right? Even things we are excited about.


Investing in training felt a big deal. What helped though was thinking that in less than 5 clients I’d get my investment back. It felt a safe bet when I thought of it that way.


January 2015 I trained to be a Hypnobirthing teacher, completing the training as swiftly as I could as that’s me. If I’m doing something, I’m doing it yesterday.


In the year that followed I built my business taking one step after another.



This role, unlike my previous career put my family first. I was able to work when suited us. Teaching clients at times my husband could be with the children. I’d return to them fulfilled, having done something that lit me up.


As the months went on I saw that this could be some bigger than I first thought and could certainly be the thing that meant I never had to return to secondary school teaching.


As I sit here tonight writing this, that baby that I quit school teaching for is about to start High School. I’m so grateful for the work life harmony teaching Hypnobirthing has given me and I honestly have never missed a moment.


These days I train other women to become Hypnobirthing teachers. I love helping them take their own passion for birth and build a business from it.


Some of them come with a similar story to me. Some dream of being able to quit their current job to focus on their Hypnobirthing business. Others have a day job they love and embrace Hypnobirthing as a side hustle. All of them love what they do and care about how women feel about birth.


Curious about whether you could become a Hypnobirthing teacher like I did and the hundreds of others I’ve trained? Take my quiz to find out.


Abby x


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