FREE MASTERCLASS - How to start a successful hypnobirthing business - Tuesday 4th February 7:30pm UK time

Debunking the myths about becoming a hypnobirthing teacher

Uncategorized Feb 04, 2025

The myths you have heard about become a Hypnobirthing Teacher 


Hypnobirthing is gaining popularity across the world as a powerful method to promote calm and positive birthing experiences and so many people are wanting to turn their passion of positive birth into a career, helping other women to feel empowered during birth. 


However, there are several myths surrounding this career path that may stop wonderful people like you from taking the plunge to train in something you love.


We need people like you to spread the positive birth word, so let's explore and debunk some of the most common misconceptions about becoming a Hypnobirthing teacher.


Myth 1 - You have to have given birth before to become a Hypnobirthing Teacher 


 A common misconception is that you must have given birth before to teach hypnobirthing techniques effectively. This absolutely isn't the case. 


What's more important is that you have the ability to be empathetic, approachable and understanding, these are the qualities that make a wonderful hypnobirthing teacher. 


One of the super powers of not giving birth before is that you are less likely to be biased. You wont have been influenced by own your birth experience and this ability to be neutral is a great quality to possess as a Hypnobirthing Teacher.


Hypnobirthing relies on evidence-based techniques that don’t require personal experience to understand or teach effectively. Let's face it your mortgage adviser does not need to have their own mortgage, your dentist doesn't need to have had a root canal themselves and your history teacher doesn't have to have lived through WW2 to be an expert on it.

Your expertise will come from studying these practices, understanding the science behind them, and effectively communicating this to your clients. This comes from training rather than personal experience. 



At Love Your Birth we have had many successful graduates build successful Hypnobirthing businesses without personal experience of it. 


Myth 2 - You need a medical background to be able to teach Hypnobirthing 


The good news is, this is not true at all, in fact the majority of those who train with us here at LYB are not medically trained and they are wonderful hypnobirthing teachers. 


Hypnobirthing teachers provide emotional support, education, and practical tools to expectant parents. The role doesn't involve delivering medical advice or care. Instead, Hypnobirthing teachers help clients build confidence and manage their birthing experience through mental and emotional preparation. No medical knowledge is needed for this. 


We do however, make sure that you understand the basics of birth. We have a whole section on understanding the process of birth, delivered by a midwife that you will complete before you start teaching clients so that you feel confident talking about birth to your clients.


Here I am, teaching some wonderful women to become hypnobirthing teachers. 


Myth 3 - You must work full time as a Hypnobirthing Teacher to be successful


Whilst some of our graduates do teach Hypnobirthing as their main job, we also have others in our community that use their hypnobirthing business as a side hustle. They continue to work their day job and teach hypnobirthing on the side to earn some extra money whilst also getting the opportunity to pursue their passion of helping expectant parents have a better birth.


There's a whole blog post here dedicated to those who successfully run their Hypnobirthing businesses as a side hustle where you'll hear from 3 of our graduate and how they'll done it. Read it here.



Myth 4 - You need extensive business knowledge to do this


Thankfully, this is not the case. In fact, here at LYB we have worked so hard, making sure that once you complete your training, you have everything that you need to get your business started straight away. From social media training to done for you templates. We give you so much to get your business up and running from the get go. We understand that starting a business can be a daunting task, that's why we have simplified it for you and made it so easy for you to start getting your first clients. 


The majority of our graduates have no experience of running a business but when committing to utilising everything they've learnt in the business modules, they successfully get clients.


Get a flavour for our business support by listening to our popular, 5 star rated podcast- Rock-a-bye Revenue and start learning about building a thriving baby business right now. 



Myth 5 - You need to be 'woo woo' to become a Hypnobirthing Teacher 


Now, don't get me wrong, I love a full moon but I wouldn't describe myself as woo woo. Whilst some people believe that Hypnobirthing is only for those who are spiritual or those that consider themselves to be alternative it really isn't the case at all. 


Hypnobirthing is a practical, evidence-based approach to childbirth that is logical and rational. 


At its core, hypnobirthing is based on the science of how the human body responds to stress and emotional safety. The techniques taught in hypnobirthing classes—such as deep breathing, visualisation, and relaxation exercises—are designed to help the body release tension, reduce fear, and promote a more straightforward birthing process. These techniques are supported by research in psychology and physiology, not spiritual doctrines.


Whether you are spiritual or not (and we absolutely welcome you either way), what matters most is your commitment to supporting and educating expectant parents.


Hypnobirthing is for everyone, and this is why we need Hypnobirthing teachers that are vastly different from one another. There is no one "type" of Hypnobirthing teacher. 


Find out if you've got what it takes to become a Hypnobirthing teacher and make a difference to expectant parents by taking our free quiz here



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