FREE MASTERCLASS - How to start a successful hypnobirthing business - Tuesday 4th February 7:30pm UK time

My new podcast is now live 🎧

Uncategorized Nov 11, 2024

It's here and live and I'm a mix of nerves and excitement!  


My Podcast is ready for your ears! You can listen to Rock-a-Bye Revenue right away on your favourite podcast platform.


Whether you have a birth or baby business or you'd love to, come and find out how to have success and more income, so that you can live the life that you've always wanted to. 


Here's what you can expect from the podcast episodes that have been released so far:


  1. More profit, less stress in your baby business.

  2. Instagram Strategies that work: Timeless Tactics over Trends.

  3. Making my biggest challenges my biggest motivations. 

  4. 3 easy ways to get bookings this week



Here's a sneak peek into the episodes that are coming in the future too: 


1. When things fail - 12th November

2. Habits that I adopted for success in my baby business - 14th November

3. No Networking, No Problem: A Different Path to Business Success - 19th November

4. The best and worst Investments I made in my baby business - 21st November



So many of you have already listened, subscribed and left me incredible reviews like the ones below, thank you so much:


This is for you if you run a business in the birth or baby industry or you dream of running one. Get weekly motivation, actionable strategy and behind the scenes insights to enable your business to be the go-to business in your area. 

I would love for you to come over and listen here, subscribe and if you'd rate the podcast 5 stars it would actually make me happy dance. 


Abby xx



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