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Teaching Hypnobirthing like a pro! Even when it’s your first time

Uncategorized Jan 29, 2024

The other day I was chatting to Michelle Yeates from Hypnobirthing Journey live on Instagram. We were chatting about her experience of becoming a Hypnobirthing Teacher via our Instructor training. (You can watch it here) In the live video she mentioned that during her first ever group Hypnobirthing course, none of her clients had a clue it was her first time.


It got me thinking about how we can worry so much that our early clients might find out that we are a beginner. I certainly worried about this in my early days too. So, I’m here to explain how you can to start like a pro too, even when you feel very much a beginner.


But firstly, please hear me when I say it is ok to be a beginner. Every expert out there starts as a beginner.


When I think back to my very first Hypnobirthing clients 9 years ago, they got the BEST service as I had so much more time and attention to give. I threw my all into preparing, because everything was new. So, please know that there are huge benefits to your clients of choosing you as a new Hypnobirthing teacher.


Ok, now we’ve covered that, let’s explore how you can radiate the confidence of a pro, even when it feels brand new…



1 Trust that nerves are normal. It is highly likely that the night before or the day of the first session you will have butterflies. As much as you can feel like those nerves will disappear if you prepare, prepare, prepare, it can be valuable to MOVE. Go for a walk, have a kitchen disco with your toddler or pop on that YouTube workout. The movement, even for just 5 minutes will release tension and nervous energy, leaving you calmer afterwards.


2 Take a moment to put yourself in your Hypnobirthing clients’ shoes. Centring them in this makes it less about you and more about supporting them. So, close your eyes, picture them in your mind. Think about how they might currently be feeling about birth. Imagine what they currently do or don’t know. Think about how they might be feeling about this first session. Ask yourself ‘How can I be the best version of myself to support them best?’


This will also be that reminder that they most likely know very little and you have tonnes to give.


3 I’m a huge believer in ‘less is more’ and this is one of the reasons I think beginners are great. What I’m talking about here is avoiding cramming tonnes into your session with the feeling of ‘the more I cover the better’. It is much more powerful to repeat things and take time to discuss points. If you feel like you need to get as much in as possible, it’s easy to overwhelm. As a beginner, you are so much less likely to overdo it as you are likely to remember more clearly your clients’ starting points. With more experience, we collect more information, this isn’t always a good thing. Add to this that simple everyday language is likely to be more understood than using lots of technical terms.


In preparation for your session, avoid the need to over complicate things. Keep things simple and straight to the point. The aim isn’t impressing them with your vast knowledge, it’s leaving them feeling like they get it. You will feel much more secure in your knowledge and radiate confidence if you simplify things keeping in mind that your clients are likely to already know very little.


4 Draw upon your previous experience. Yes, you might not have ever taught Hypnobirthing but if you have received your certification, you are qualified. Plus, I bet you have skills from previous roles and life experiences that are super relevant. Have you ever had to discuss things with new people? Have you ever had to build rapport with new people? Have you ever hosted training perhaps?  Let this be your reminder that you not such a beginner after all. So many skills from other roles are totally transferable to exciting role. Bring the energy of those skills you already have to this.


5 Get in role! Let me share a secret with you. Whenever I’ve done something new in life -the first time I served a customer in Morrisons Café at age 16, my first day as a student Secondary school teacher and my first Hypnobirthing client- I’ve faked it!


What I mean by this is that I’ve gone in feeling a little like an actress. Not being someone else, but being me in the role of how I think a Hypnobirthing teacher would act. Faking that appearance of confidence- smiling, introducing myself with certainty, eye contact, good posture, asking them questions and listening with interest. As Amy Cuddy in her Ted Talk recommends- I faked it, until I felt it. Then I didn’t need to anymore. As an introvert this has been a game changer for me. Try it.


6 Remember, it is fine to look at your notes! Pros do this you know. Perhaps rather than having sheets of notes, have a clear session plan with bullet points/ key words. If you trained with Love Your Birth, feel free to use the session plans that I’ve given you.


Perhaps add a few bright post-its too with key points that will jog your memory as to what you are going to cover next e.g. Myths about Hypnosis, Iceberg analogy etc

Take comfort from the fact that you have these prompts.


If you do feel have a moment or feeling a little lost during your session, smile and say “I’m just going to check my session plan. I want to make sure I’m covering everything with you”


7 Practice what you preach by utilising mindset techniques that you know are powerful. Display the affirmations around your home- ‘I’m the best hypnobirthing teacher for my client. ‘I know enough. I am enough.’ ‘My clients find my Hypnobirthing courses relatable and powerful’


Bonus tip- save every bit of positive feedback, from a text message saying ‘I loved this evening’ to a google review. Put it all in a folder in your phone ready to be that reminder that you are blumming brilliant. You’ll then remember to tell the world to sign up to your courses.


Enjoy your session lovely one and remember you may just impact someone’s life in a bigger way than you even realise.


Come over to my Instagram and DM me the tip that you found most useful. I’d love to cheer you on.


Remember to share this with a friend too.


Chat soon


Abby x


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