Free Event: Hypnobirthing, is it for you? Tuesday 21st May 7.30pm BST

The trick you are missing to get repeat Hypnobirthing bookings

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2023

Did you know that during my fourth pregnancy, after 5 years of teaching Hypnobirthing and 3 incredible births utilising Hypnobirthing, I did a Hypnobirthing course myself?

Now, it might seem a bit strange a Hypnobirthing teacher and a fourth time Hypnobirther having a Hypnobirthing session with a Hypnobirthing teacher. I know what you’re thinking…


Didn’t you already know it all already?


Was there really anything else to gain?


Yes, I was knowledgeable, but Hypnobirthing is more than simply knowledge. It’s also tools to trigger a sense of calm, distraction techniques, comfort measures etc.


Yes, I knew these techniques like the back of my hand.


Knowing these techniques and practicing them is two VERY different things!


Having a session with a teacher gave us some accountability. It marked the start of us prioritising taking the time to practice and making the techniques part of our own lives again. Without this the tools just wouldn’t be tools.


Yes, I had lived and breathed Hypnobirthing for years. My weekends and evenings had been jam packed introducing couples to this knowledge and these amazing tools. Yes, I’d read every book going. BUT I was just one part of our Hypnobirthing experience, right?


Of course, Adam, my husband did hear me banging on about Hypnobirthing regularly but, he didn’t (and still doesn’t) live and breathe it. So, it made sense that together we revisit things for his benefit. Birth partners want preparation and this is something I’m very passionate about.


Hypnobirthing is about both the mum-to-be and the birth partner. It’s a real team thing.

Now, if I needed a refresher, I bet so many of your past clients could benefit from one too.


The reason I’m writing this is, it reminds us all of so many things:

1. Your Hypnobirthing clients might already know stuff about birth, this doesn’t mean that the course won’t be as valuable to them

2. The power of practicing Hypnobirthing techniques, remember you are facilitating this with clients and your accountability is hugely valuable.

3. Remember just what an incredible experience doing a Hypnobirthing course is. No wonder people want to repeat it!


So, get talking about refresher courses. You never know who might be pregnant again and don’t even realise they are a thing.


Let them know that knowing the stuff is completely different to embracing it.


Perhaps it’s the nudge that they need.


If you are a Hypnobirthing teacher that trained elsewhere yet you would love me support, course ideas, resources and ongoing training, this is what we do at Love Your Birth.

As well as training people from scratch we have a raved about Expansion course. See all the details here.


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