Free Event: Hypnobirthing, is it for you? Tuesday 21st May 7.30pm BST

A positive water birth at home with a suspected small baby

The Birth Of Ted

A positive home birth with a suspected small baby.

I feel like I need to start my birth story way before birth as Hypnobirthing was not only invaluable during labour but also throughout my pregnancy. It was brought to my attention at my first midwives appointment that apparently my first child, my daughter was ‘very small’ at 6lb 7oz. Nothing was ever said to me at the time but on my first midwife appointment I was told that I would have to have regular scans to ensure my baby wasn’t small again as they would likely need to induce labour if the baby was small and was also told I wouldn’t be able to have a water birth if this was the case. I was frantic from this first appointment. I was in my first trimester and I was already being told I might need to be induced before I’d even had chance to cast eyes on my baby. I found the whole appointment very negative and was even told that maybe ‘my babies just don’t thrive in my...

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