FREE MASTERCLASS - How to start a successful hypnobirthing business - Tuesday 4th February 7:30pm UK time

A healing home birth story after a difficult first birth

The Birth Of Brooke

A healing home birth story using hypnobirthing after a difficult first birth

Wow where to start?

What a journey.. From the start I knew I wanted a home birth after a traumatic first birth.

I suffer pregnancy related tachycardia and this was a battle I had to fight to prove a home birth was the best place for me. I had a birth matters session with the head of midwifery who could completely see the benefits of home birth and was so positive and supportive and signed it off at around 33 weeks..

Then Corona hit!

Home births suspended…

Well, I did what I could and again spoke to another senior midwife who again was pro home birth who assured me she would do all in her power to help..

Due date week arrived and home births are back on!

On the morning of Saturday the 25th my lovely home birth midwife came to see me, I was 40 weeks and 4 days.. We discussed how everything will work, she told me the days she was on call and that Saturday as in tonight was one of...

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Positive birth story at Huddersfield birth centre using hypnobirthing

The Birth Of Jaxx

A gorgeous birth centre birth using hypnobirthing techniques throughout

Our baby boy Jaxx William Walsworth arrived 11 days late on Sunday 11th November 2018 at 00.48am.

I had such a positive and lovely birth experience at Huddersfield Birth Centre and would like to share it with you, as this wouldn’t have been possible had we not known the techniques we learnt on your course.

Early signs of labour, using hypnobirthing techniques to build beneficial hormones

I woke up the Saturday at around 05.30am with period cramps.They were coming every 20 minutes. At around 0730 my husband and I came downstairs. We kept the curtains closed and he lit candles all around the living room, I got on my birth ball and we put on some comedy (friends). At around 9am I switched from friends and put on the mp3s, as the cramping was becoming stronger, and got in to the breathing techniques.

I had an appointment at Birth Centre at 1pm for a stretch and sweep that day anyway so...

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Positive home birth story despite a high risk pregnancy

The Birth Of Hugo

Second time parents preparing for their first home birth


We had completed Abby’s course in 2015 for the birth of our son Reuben. Although his birth did not go exactly as we had planned, the course gave us the tools and confidence to control the things we were able to and to make informed decisions throughout the labour. My recovery from his birth was tough and I was so upset I didn’t get the water birth I had hoped for. So when we found out I was pregnant again in August 2018 we discussed a homebirth from early on. We are lucky in Leeds to have a dedicated homebirth team and my midwife advised me to go to one of their ‘meet the midwife’ sessions and she would transfer my care over to them if that’s what I decided to do. The session was fab and their whole ethos mirrored Abby’s teachings on her hypnobirthing courses, they even discussed the ‘BRAIN’ technique. I was excited to transfer my ante natal...

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What Hypnobirthing Teachers love about their job

Teaching Hypnobirthing has brought so much to my life and not just the ability to work flexibly around my four children. I also know it has massively grown my confidence and self belief. I truly feel a different person from the person I did before I took this path. 

As well as this, I have met so many incredible people through teaching Hypnobirthing. From past clients to other business owners that work in the birth and baby world. Many of them I now call friends. 
I asked a few Love Your Birth teachers to share what becoming a Hypnobirthing teacher has brought to their life and this is what they said... 






What could becoming a Hypnobirthing teacher bring to your life? 

Find out about our accredited Hypnobirthing teacher training programme here.

Abby xx

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Why a Hypnobirthing Teacher booked a Hypnobirthing session

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2022

Here is your reminder that you don't have to teach brand new content to people for hypnobirthing to be valuable. During my fourth pregnancy, I did a hypnobirthing refresher session even though I had been teaching it myself for 4 years. Here's what I wrote back in 2019:


So last week at 27 weeks of pregnancy Adam and I had a Hypnobirthing refresher session with the lovely Amanda Wardle. Not only have I had the pleasure of meeting Amanda a few times in the past and loved her company, she is also my second midwife this pregnancy so she was the obvious choice.

Now it might seem a bit strange a Hypnobirthing teacher and a fourth time Hypnobirther having a Hypnobirthing session with a Hypnobirthing teacher. I know what your thinking…

Don’t you already know it all already?

Surely you talk about the techniques all the time so paying someone to go through them is a waste of money?

Wouldn’t waiting closer to the birth make more sense?

Here’s why it was so...

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Birth: A Dad's Perspective

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2022

A few years ago, I worked with a lovely couple in preparation for the birth of their first baby. They had a wonderfully positive experience and I am so grateful that this new dad has kindly shared his view on the birth and birth preparation. This is definitely one to share with your birth partner…

I wanted to write a dad’s account of my daughter’s birth as I felt it may help other dads who are nervous about their own. There are plenty of birth stories written by mums, and so there should be: they’re the heroines and we’re the sidekicks. Seek them out and read them if you haven’t already. They’ll help you to understand what your partner might feel and experience during birth.

Rather than writing a chronological story, I’ve condensed my own experience of birth and what I learned from it into a few key points.

But first, some T’S AND C’S:

  1. All that I’m about to say is in full acknowledgement that every mum, baby,...
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The Birth Of My Fourth Baby, Betsy

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2022

Betsy is our fourth baby. We didn’t know her gender and loved having a surprise. At 41 weeks and 5 days, it was my longest pregnancy. I do wonder if I almost held onto my pregnancy a little bit. As much as the pregnancy had been hard with lots of nausea, on the whole I love being pregnant. Also with this being likely to be our last I’m not sure I ever felt ready to part with my bump even though I was excited about the next bit.

For weeks I’d had strong Braxton hicks most evenings but apart from that there was no sign she was coming soon. On the 1st of May I met with my friend and her newborn baby for an all you can eat breakfast. We laughed that surely the next time we met I’d have my baby too. To be honest though I began really doubting when she might be born. It’s like when you get to the point when you actually start believing you’ll be pregnant forever, that’s when it happens.

Later that day, shortly after the kids were back from school...

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How to use social media for your business without wasting your life on there...

Uncategorized Jan 11, 2022

Righty lovely, you wanted to become a hypnobirthing teacher because you have a mountain of passion for empowering birth BUT also for greater freedom in your life.


So, what are you doing with screen time of 4 plus hours a day. AKA over 28 hours a week. 1456 hours year!!!!


Here are my top tips for getting the business benefits from social media without it becoming your full time job…



Use Rhythms that work around your life:

Build habits that you can stick to, this avoids you feeling like you should doing something and then scrolling instead. Sound familiar?!

What pocket of time do you have regularly available? So, for example this might be when your toddler goes down for a nap, you spend the first 30 minutes creating a post/doing a live/connecting with people.


Connecting over scrolling:

If you are hopping on social media do it with intention. Connect with people by commenting on posts, particularly on posts from people you’d love to...

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Jennie Shares Her Wins Since Becoming A Hypnobirthing Teacher

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2021

The lovely Jennie from Jentlehypnobirthing has kindly shared her wins with us since she became a hypnobirthing teacher. Jennie completed my expansion course to uplevel her classes.


"My name is Jennie and I am the owner of Jentle Hypnobirthing. I am also a qualified midwife who loves anything birth, baby and breastfeeding related!

I trained as a hypnobirthing teacher in 2017 and completed Abby’s first resource bundle course in 2018 which gave me the freedom to mix my courses up and make them my own. I then completed her expansion course in 2020 and ever since then my business has grown from strength to strength.

I would say my top 3 wins since qualifying are:

1. Receiving my own positive birth affirmation cards through the post with my new logo proudly printed on them- I couldn’t wait to give them out to my couples!

2. Teaching a class of 4 couples over Zoom during the pandemic, meeting them face to face earlier this year and the fact we have now all become...

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Louisa Shares Her Wins Since Becoming A Hypnobirthing Teacher

Uncategorized Oct 25, 2021

The lovely Louisa from For Baby For Me has kindly shared her wins with us since she became a hypnobirthing teacher last year. 

"Here are my wins:

1/ Supporting 12 couples who have all gone on to have different experiences but have all told me what a difference my course has made to them. Some of them have then gone on to learn baby massage with me so it has been lovely to spend time with the babies too.

2/ Creating a website and Instagram account to share helpful content with my followers and potential clients. This takes a lot of work but it is really satisfying to share the message of positive birth as much as possible and interact with people on such an important topic.

3/ Designing my own taster session and essentials course to offer different options for expectant parents, as well as studying biomechanics for birth and postnatal planning and adding this content to my full courses. It feels great to have the freedom to make the course your own."

Thank you for sharing your...

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