FREE MASTERCLASS - How to start a successful hypnobirthing business - Tuesday 4th February 7:30pm UK time

The Fourth Trimester - My First Baby vs My Fourth

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2021

This is me with my first born, a new mum and newborn Harris shopping and eating Nando’s just 7 days after having him:

Now the thing is, society often praises photos like that. “Wow, look at you out and about already.” “You look great, who’d have thought you’d just had a baby”
The photo makes me sad though. When I look back I feel sorry for this new mum.
A new mum that was super prepared for birth but had paid no attention to the next bit and as a result felt lost behind the mascara and put on smiles.
My fourth trimester with Harris looked like…
⚫️ Visitors, visitors, visitors. And more visitors
⚫️ wondering whether we were doing things ‘right’
⚫️ Not a lot of sleep or rest even
⚫️Not eating all day and a takeaway late at night
⚫️ feeling I must look like nothing’s changed and I’m still me
⚫️ Using our free time to go out and make the most of Adam’s two weeks off not...
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Hannah Becomes An Independent Hypnobirthing Teacher

Uncategorized Aug 29, 2021

Three years into my Hypnobirthing business I was in a position where I was teaching 2 consistently booked group courses a month, plus had a diary full of one-to-one clients and I didn’t know what to do next.


I was so grateful that my business was bringing in really good money. I was so happy to be helping so many families. But I was tired. Really tired.


I struggled to ever say no to a booking, just in case they didn’t do Hypnobirthing without my course. As a result I was working most weekday evenings plus lots of the weekend too.


That’s when I thought about taking on another teacher under the brand that I’d built.


I’d seen a few other Hypnobirthing teachers doing this and it seemed to work well for them.


I was scared though. Scared that there wouldn’t be enough work for us both. Scared about sharing my all my stuff. I lacked clarity over what the agreement would be too.


But anyway I thought I’d just...

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Yetunde Shares Her Wins Since Becoming A Hypnobirthing Teacher

Uncategorized Aug 25, 2021

The lovely Yetunde from Cowriebirth has kindly shared her wins with us since she became a hypnobirthing teacher.

"I've been teaching hypnobirthing for a few years now and love it. It's something I do in addition to a full time job, as it is my way of sharing these amazing life changing skill with others.  

Abby has asked me for my 3 wins from being a hypnobirthing teacher/instructor/guide so here they are: 


1. Supporting a client through multiple changes - preparing for a vbac, overcoming fear of another c-section, baby being breech, having a planned cesarean booked - to help her have the spontaneous vaginal birth she wanted. I really felt my role as a guide and confidence builder, as she did the work - practicing, seeking information, asking questions about her options and not being scared to wait - but I was there to support her every step of the way.


2. Getting a great review from a client 'I felt' didn't engage with the course. During the sessions I...

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Ways To Connect With Your Ideal Client

Uncategorized Aug 11, 2021

Ways To Connect With Your Ideal Client:

So you’re sharing your page everywhere you can. You’ve told everyone you meet that you teach Hypnobirthing. You’ve made a website that you are pretty proud of. You’re itching to be making lots of bookings and launching that group course.


Every time you check your emails, you know like every 15 minutes, your inbox is empty. You check your spam just in case. You feel so frustrated. You’ve got so much to share. You know women need this and you worry what might happen if they don’t find you.

It's important that you really try and connect with the women you want to work with. Think about:

  • What is going to spark her interest?
  • What does she need to hear?
  • How are you going to tell her that Hypnobirthing can change her world?
  • How can you teach her something that will make her pregnancy or birth different and let her remember you?

Allow your ideal client to get to know you, love you...

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Starting A Hypnobirthing Business From Scratch With Rebecca Trueman.

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2021

Starting a new business can be daunting. Taking the plunge to train in something new is a big deal. I get it. This was me six years ago. It felt scary and big but honestly if I hadn’t have taken the plunge I’d have missed out on so many things.

Some of the ladies that I work with feel this way too but at the end of their training they are so grateful to have taken the plunge.

One of these people is Rebecca Trueman from Birth Without Fear Hypnobirthing. Rebecca trained with me at the end of 2020 and has since then done amazing things with her business, it has gone from strength to strength. 

Rebecca shares her thoughts with us in this live video, giving us an insight into why she decided to train as a hypnobirthing teacher in the first place:

"I wanted to do something for myself, that suited our family life. I needed to do something positive for myself and the stars aligned" 

Explaining some of her initial concerns:

"Lack of confidence was a...

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A day in the life of a new hypnobirthing teacher

A day in the life of a new hypnobirthing teacher.

So, you are thinking about becoming a hypnobirthing teacher but you aren't quite sure if it will fit with your existing life, here's an insight into how hypnobirthing worked for me. 

A typical day for a new hypnobirthing teacher looks something like this:

6:30am - Get up with the baby and toddler - breakfast and general morning carnage.

7:30am - I get showered and ready for the day before my husband sets off for work.

9am - Kids watch Peppa pig whilst i write a social media post

10am - We meet friends for a play date. 

1:30pm - Baby and toddler are asleep in the car so I enjoy a quiet half an hour watching some business tips on Facebook and reply to client emails.

2pm - We go inside and play and cheer up the cranky toddler.

4pm - The kids eat

5:30pm - Husband gets home, we say 'hello' and I sneak upstairs to get my bag ready for tonight's one to one hypnobirthing session. 

6pm - We have dinner

6:30pm - We bath the kids...

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Anna Shares Her Wins Since Becoming a Hypnobirthing Teacher

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2021

The lovely Anna from Rock Your Birth has kindly shared her wins with us since she became a hypnobirthing teacher.

𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗹𝗹:

The lovely Abby asked if I'd be happy to share three of my wins in business!

I'll be honest and admit this isn't something I spend enough time focusing on. It's much easier to think of what didn't go well or what hasn't yet been achieved (and I'm sure I'm not the only one who does that).

So this was a great opportunity to reflect on what I have achieved since I started my business back in July 2018.

And when I started thinking they came flooding some small, some big but all important to acknowledge & feel proud of (so thanks for the nudge Abby)

1/ Juggling my business, my day job (I'm an accountant), I have my family and the admin of life is definitely something I need to see as a win. I tend to focus on the things I don't do well or don't do full stop but when I reflect I need to acknowledge all of the things that I am...

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Hannah Shares Her Wins Since Becoming a Hypnobirthing Teacher

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2021
The lovely Hannah from Hypnobirthing With Hannah shares her wins with us since becoming a hypnobirthing teacher. Hannah was the first ever person I trained and mentored in 2018.
Here’s what Hannah celebrated in her first year of business…
1. My first ever client was a lovely couple who felt so empowered after Hypnobirthing, they went on to have a really positive birth and sent me their birth story over. I felt so proud knowing how much I had helped them.
2. Another couple that I taught sent me a lovely thank you card, I’ve still got that card now and use it as a reminder of where I started and why I love teaching Hypnobirthing so much.
3. The first taster session that I did went so well, I remember being so nervous but I felt so proud of myself afterwards.
4. Sorting out some of the tech, I’m such a technophobe, so sorting out things such as ticket tailor and stripe felt like such a win and...
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Laura Shares Her Wins Since Becoming a Hypnobirthing Teacher

Uncategorized Jun 26, 2021
I’m so happy to be featuring the inspiring and absolute beautiful human, Laura from The Yorkshire Hypnobirthing School with her 3 biggest wins as a Hypnobirthing teacher...
"Here are my 3 biggest wins as a hypnobirthing teacher, there really have been so many - every time I get a booking or a parent messages me with their birth story, there really is no better feeling!
My first biggest win was when my first ever hypnobirthing client came to my sessions and decided that she wanted to try for a homebirth with her 2nd child - she had her homebirth and it was an incredibly healing experience for the family.
My second win was that in November last year, I was contacted by the Leeds University Student Midwifery Union about doing a talk for their student midwives - over 40 turned up and we spent a few hours learning about hypnobirthing and how they could use the skills they had learnt to support families in their care. It was quite emotional and a real...
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Lauren Shares Her Wins Since Becoming a Hypnobirthing Teacher.

I want to share with you all the amazing things that some of the graduates in my course have achieved since becoming a hypnobirthing teacher.  
First up is a fellow Yorkshire mum, Lauren from Create Calm Hypnobirthing who has kindly agreed to sharing her wins with us all. 
Here’s what Lauren is celebrating:
1. Every single birth story I get back from parents knowing that hypnobirthing has made a difference. I feel so privileged and honoured to have been involved in their birth journeys.
2. ALL the firsts! The first enquiry I had, the first spontaneous course booking, the first baby has arrived email ( they are just the best). I remember exactly where I was and how I felt for all of these!
3. Quitting my day job to pursue my passion of teaching hypnobirthing. It was a scary leap of faith, and I still can't believe that helping parents to meet their babies in a more positive way is actually my...
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